Thursday, 4 June 2015

8 things I want to do this Summer

It was my last AS exam today, and I am now officially free for the summer! Actually, I'm not: I have to go back into college on the 8th for 'A2 fortnight' It's such a pain, I only have 4 days free before I'm back again. Oh the joys.
To cheer myself up, I thought I'd come up with a list of all the things (big and small) I want to do this summer.

1) Get a job
Ok, maybe not the most fun thing in the world, but I'd really like to find a part time job. I'd like to have a bit more cash, so I can do all the rest of the things on my list! I've applied for a couple, so fingers crossed!

2) Travel
Generic one, but something I'd like to do all the same. I'm going on a family holiday to Sweden, which I'm super excited about-I can't wait for the pretty lakes and cabins and forests and IKEA! I'd like to do some travelling on a smaller scale too though-day trips with friends to cities nearby on the train.

3) Read
I love reading, but it's taken a back seat during exam period (unless sociology revision guides count) and I've got a stack of books I'd like to get stuck into.

4) Exercise 
I've recently got back into running, but again, I haven't been out as much as I'd like due to revision. Although I enjoy it I've just been too tired to go on a regular basis. So I'd like to start going more and building up my fitness, especially as I'm considering joining my college running club next year and I don't want to get left behind! As well as running, I want to get back the exercise videos I enjoy doing (most are from fitness blender) just to get a bit fitter.

5) Blog
Definitely on my to-do list (it's been sitting there patiently for a while). I want to devote more time to writing posts, but also trying to improve my blog layout. If I say it enough, I'll do it. Probably.

6) Socialise 
I love all my friends a lot, but don't see them nearly as much as I'd like to. Three of my close friends live in the same town as me, but the others live in villages which involves a lot of lifts from parents for us all to meet up, but hopefully we can organise ourselves into lots of coffee dates, shopping trips, picnics by the river and walks. Looking forward to it lots.

7) Cook and Bake
My mums a really good cook, and is always creating lovely healthy meals for us all, as well as lots of cakes, so there's never been any huge incentive to learn to cook! I can cook, and used to make tea once a week with my sister which we all enjoyed, but it sort of stopped for no particular reason. I'd like to start making some more (simple) meals and sweet treats, because nothing tastes better than something you've made yourself. Actually, that's a lie. The brownie from the Bakery in town tastes better than anything I could ever whip up. You get the gist though.

8) Knit
My mum taught me to knit a while ago and I'm terrible at it. I always get myself all mixed up and drop stitches and have to get her to fix it all for me. The blanket I'm working on for some miniature human is wonky and messy, but I'm quite proud of it. I'd like to pick it back up again, because when it goes right it's very calming to do in front of the TV. Maybe I'll even have finished the blanket by the time I'm I'm 92, who knows!

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