Thursday, 22 January 2015

Avon Argon Oil Review

I don't use many products on my hair, simply because I don't tend to find it needs it (though I am searching for a good spray to calm some of the frizz. If you have any recommendations, please let me know). However, now it's winter it's become a bit dry like everything else and I was searching for something to give it a bit of extra moisture.

Enter Argon Oil. I know, I know, I'm pretty late to the party in regards to this. I wish I'd joined sooner because this stuff is good. This is the 'Advance Techniques 360 Nourishment Moroccan Argon Oil Leave in Treatment' (bit of a mouthful) from Avon and is currently only a couple of pounds. It's suitable for wet or dry hair but I use mine after I've combed it through in the shower, distributing it all through my hair but focusing on the ends as these get the driest. Don't expect dramatic results with this-it does what it says on the tin, but it does it pretty well. And for that price, who's complaining?

Helen x

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