Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Body Shop Skin Care

I've never had a real Skincare regime before, but after getting fed up of imperfections and oily skin I decided to look at buying some new skincare. I've always liked The Body Shop products and so decided to try out some of their skincare.

I've never had a real Skincare regime before, but after getting fed up of imperfections and oily skin I decided to look at buying some new skincare. I've always liked The Body Shop products and so decided to try out some of their skincare.
I bought two products from their Anti-Blemish range and one from their Oil-Control range. The tea tree is said to 'give clearer skin from one week' It also contains Tamanu Oil extract 'which is reputed to help generate new tissue and improve the healing process for skin.' I bought the toner and face mask from this range.

I'm not sure whether it's just the batch I got, but some of the toner separates out and settles at the bottom, so I have to knock it to dislodge it from the bottom of the bottle. Other than though, I really like this. It smells lovely, but the scent of tea tree isn't too overpowering. It leaves my skin feeling very clean and refreshed, but doesn't strip my skin and leave it feeling tight and dry, as some toners can. This is though I got it when there was a 40% off offer going on, which I believe there is at the moment....

I also bought their face mask. The Body shop says 'this instantly cooling face mask cleanses, soothes and refreshes the skin.' I use this once a week and I'm really enjoying it. Before buying this, I just used to use the cheap one use masks from superdrug on a very irregular basis.They always took around 15 minutes to dry, but after 10 minutes I'd be sitting on my hands to avoid scratching my face constantly as they just got so itchy. I could never see any results either. The great thing about this mask is that it doesn't dry so it never gets to that uncomfortable stage. I've been using this once a week and can definitely see the results. 

The last thing I bought was from the Seaweed range. It is the Seaweed purifying facial cleanser. It's £8. I like this but I'm not sure that I would buy it again. It's quite expensive for a cleanser that I don't love. I think my skin has got less oily but I think I may try out some other products from this range before repurchasing this.

Now my skincare regime is a lot more organised, my skin is looking a lot better. 

I definitely recommend The Body Shop skincare!

Helen x

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