The most forgetful blogger returns-perhaps.
I started this blog as I love reading them, and enjoy writing, so thought it was a great idea to combine the two. I did enjoy it, but after a while trying to take photos on a less than amazing camera (combined with my less than amazing artistic skills) and dislike of computers, meaning I couldn't make the blog look the way I wanted got to me. Fitting it in around doing my AS levels and trying to have something resembling a social life was tricky too. Plus the fact that after all that I wasn't even sure that anyone was reading what I'd written (I did it for my own enjoyment, but its nice to have some form of encouragement as well I suppose) meant that I got a bit disheartened.
When I was blogging previously, I didn't have a job, and so couldn't afford much makeup etc so I guess after a while I kind of ran out of makeup related things that interested me. And I am the worlds worst selfie taker so never felt confident enough to demonstrate me wearing said products.
But I feel kind of like I'd like to start blogging again. I'm not sure whats changed. I think I'm become more comfortable with my own writing style, and actually reading my own words. I been reading Hannah Gales blog for a while now (and stalking her instagram and twitter-she's so fab) and I love the way that she's so real, admitting that she's not the best at makeup, or when she's having a crap day. She's hugely relatable, and blogs about things important to her such as mental health (and fashion-I always wish I was cool enough to carry off what she wears). Anyway, this wasn't meant to turn into me creepily saying how much I love Hannah. I guess what I'm trying to say is that through reading her I've realised that actually what I want to do is blog in a chattier way, about things I love, or issues I care about. So I'm going to try and blog again. I'm going to try and put less pressure on myself to make it perfect, worry less about the quality of the photos and start to blog about different things. Makeup still, (I love nail polish too much to stop talking about it) but also more personal posts (we'll see how long that takes-I hate actually admitting that I have emotions #Britishmuch) as well as money saving tips. I have a job now, but one of my favourite things is getting stuff (food or fashion) for less than the RRP-I always feel as though I'm cheating the system somehow.
So-I will try and blog again. I'm not sure how long it'll last or how regular my posts will be. I'd love it if people re started to read my stuff again (if you do read this, please say hello-it makes me feel good) but I'm going to give it a go.