Great title I've got going there-nice and catchy.
Lately, you may have noticed my absence from the blogging world * Sadly, we've come round to that time of the year again-exams. Oh how I've missed them. I'm doing my AS levels at the moment, and they are hard. GCSEs aren't easy, and they certainly didn't feel it at the time, but they are so much better than A-levels. I take Politics, Sociology, Geography and English Language, and sometimes it feels like if I just took politics I'd still have revision coming out of my ears.
Anyway, what I am trying to say is that there will continue to be less posts from me for a little while, although I'll try and fit it in when I can.
*On a side note, I'm not really sure anyone will have, if I'm honest with myself. I'm a pretty bad blogger. I tend to skim read all those 'how to increase your audience in 67 quick and easy steps' and don't do any thing they tell me. So I'd guess I've got a pretty small audience. I really enjoy blogging though, so I am (honestly) going to try to dedicate more time to it and then maybe this little corner of the internet will expand. Even if it doesn't I'm going to carry on, because it's fun.
There, that's the pointless rambling finished.